Sunday, January 29, 2012

חדשות טובות

Hi everyone. Whoa new blogger interface. Kind of confusing for a short while there. So what do you think of it? I personally prefer the old simple one. But maybe that's just the first impression talking. I haven't explored the features much so any judgement by me now will be considered moot.

Well, I am here to share good news (it's a plural in this case)

Good news #1: I made it to the second leg of Pelatnas! It's kind of an old news but I haven't had the time to post it so here goes. I am super duper excited to spend another four weeks at Wisma Kartini, basking myself with biology and think of nothing else. Plus I will be reunited with my good friends slash competitors. It is sad though that Meva couldn't make it and Nobi resigned. But they promised to visit us in Bandung every weekend when we're not having a mid-test or other thing.

Good news #2: The fact that something is something in something something and something is something to something for something has actually something something very something!
Isn't it something :")

Good news #3: Brace yourself because this. is. BIG. I have found the perfect vegetarian restaurant!!! Thank God after 8 months of suffering in finding products for vegetarian such as faux beef, faux chicken etc, I finally met Loving Hut :") Indonesia is not really a vegan supporting country, so deciding to be a vegan here is like being a Moslem in a pork-eating country. I am sooooo tired of having to scour my food for any traces of minced beef or fish. Have difficulties to order food in most of the restaurant here. I can not enjoy delicious food anymore. Now, in a post-finding-Loving-Hut era, I can eat bakso, fried 'chicken', 'sushi' with no worries. They provide both cooked and uncooked vegan materials. My current favorite is the Curry Fired Rice. Boy, does that gluten taste like an actual Rendang :9 But I planned to try all the food on the menu, so my favorite might change. Once I did that, I'll upload a post that specifically describe Loving Hut. Keep tuning in.

Okay, I guess that's about it. Oh, are you wondering about the title? Just google translate it, you'll see.
Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too far, you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. -Eddie Cantor