Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Virtual Heroine

Hiiii everyone. Ah, it's good to be back blogging. Yes, I have been busy. And yes, I have been busy studying. And yes, I have been busy studying for Cambridge AS Level test this May-June -___-

What? Haven't I told you? Oh yeah I haven't :(
Yeah, soooo, my school is kind of a semi-international-olympiad-national school like I told you before and in the second year we all have to take an international test called Cambridge AS and A level test *shudder*

It's sort of SAT but Cambridge University endorsed it and if we pass the test with good grades, we could skip international student college in almost every university in the world. Fun and then not really. I sort of wanted to experience student college though. And apparently I'm thinking about taking my B.A degree in Indonesia. So, yeah you can conclude it on your own.

But let's not talk about desperate things shall we? I'm sure you don't want to read it either. And here we are back to the post's title. My Virtual Heroine. Who do you think she is? Well ladies and gentleman, please give it up foorr.....

Miss. Nancy Drew!!!!

YEAY! If your a fan of Nancy Drew too, please shout SLEUTH. Now! SLEUTH!!
Aaa! I'm so happy I could die :')

For those who don't know her, hell no, where have you been living? Under the rock? She's a fiction teenage girl detective that have existed since your grandmother's grandmother were a little girl. Her first appearance was in a book in 1930 it is called 'The Secret of The Old Clock' written by Edward Stratemeyer. Now, how I fall in love with her is not because of her book. But by her Mystery Video Game Sequels!!!!

My first encounter with this game is, gratefully, another serendipity. Years ago, I was out of town for a holiday, in Bandung, for a several days. One day we stopped at an electronic center because my dad wanted to by parts or something for his phone and I was wandering around looking for something interesting. I have always been into computer games but there was no game that followed specifically. I just looked at the shop, if I find something interesting I'll buy it and if I don't then never mind. My kind of game till that time was Barbie series, fashion designing clothes and that thingamajig, but on that very day, I wanted to try something new. I've always loved solving puzzles but I don't like easy puzzle or common type of puzzle I want something that have storyline. So I asked the shopkeeper. He told me that Agatha Christie's good, but apparently it is out of stock. Then he pointed out another game called Nancy Drew. I've watched the movie and it was kind of good so, ta-da, this is my first Nancy Drew game:

When I played it? At first it was not interesting. Why? It is sooo hard, I was stuck and couldn't move on! So when I'm stressed out, I looked for walkthrough in the internet but they are all a spoiler, bleh. But then I found one website that still guide me by giving me hint by hint and not spoiling at all. After that, I played it like a thousand time!!! I know there are sequels of this game, and from that day I started to collect them one by one. But I have to buy each of them in a long interval because, dang that thing is expensive! (For me. But the price is standard, just like any other PC Game)

So, I have collecting it for about 2 and a half year and I've collected and played almost all of the series. It's just that it is so hard to found Nancy Drew's old game in Indonesia. It's like finding a needle in the haystack for Nancy Drew Series older than 'Secret of the Shadow Ranch'. The only two game that I've successfully found was 'Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake' and 'Danger on Deception Island'. But my friend, Syifa Adinda and Meva Nareza has purchased all the 23 Nancy Drew game from online shop (Thank You Kaskus!) and now we're taking turn to installed it. So happy I could die :')

Now, I am thinking about reviewing every single Nancy Drew Game I've played but then it's going to be a very long post because I swear I will talk about it with all my heart. I, then decided to review my favouritest of the Nancy Drew Series. And the winner is.......

Yes, I know! It is also currently the crowd favourite as well. Here's a little summary:
It is the 11th Nancy Drew Game. This is the first time Nancy Drew is travelling out of the States to solve case. And in this game Nancy is going to England! Nancy's going there to investigate the strange attitude of Linda Penvellyn, a daughter of Nancy Drew father's friend and also Nancy Drew's neighbour in River Heights. She (Linda) live in a house called Blackmoor Manor and she married Hugh Penvellyn who turns out comes from the Penvellyn family that have been issued of witchcraft and supernatural thing since generations ago and there are rumour that Blackmoor Manor is cursed. Why is this the best game ever? Played it yourself and you'll know why! Whatever you do, don't forget to order some loop de loop, bangers and mash, pinky and perky and a dog's eye!

See you soon. Ever Yours, Lindy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Reblogged it from Jason Mraz's blog. Click here to visit my hero's blog

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Three In One

Hell-o blog-gers. I have just come back from the year two-thou-sand-six-ty-two with a mis-sion to save the e-arth from des-truc-tion and dra-ught. That is why I call my-self Gre-bo from The Green-o-bot Inc. I re-quest your to-tal sup-port de-ar rea-der.

Wassup everyone? Let me tell ya, something strange is going on in our school. There are robots invading our school! Yeah, we've just started robotic lessons and everyone seems so frantic about it. But the truth is, I'm not that interested. Although I was crazy about robots since I was one-metre-tall, the robotic lesson in my school outcasts people who already join olympiad and the lesson is a little bit exaggerated and not practical so I lose interest in participating. But sadly, I HAVE to create one robot with a group of three, to be my final assignment (sigh) We may choose whether to create a tree-planting robot or a lake-cleaning robot. My group (Me, Mega Ananda and Dinda Kusumawardhani) decided to create a tree-planting robot, although we have no idea how to create one. We must post our progress into a blog, which you may read here. It's still empty now. But I hope it won't be empty for long. I hope.

Now for the second news, (that is why I call this post two in one), be prepared now everyone because this is a shocking news. I AM A VEGETARIAN! Yes, starting from 11th March 2011, Lindy Mawardhani Dharmawan is a vegan. I don't eat slaughtered animals like chicken, cows, sheep, et cetera but I still consume fish. I also still consume eggs and diary products. Now the question is: why? I don't know. I just feel this sudden urge to become a vegetarian and I'm ready to take whatever responsibility that I must face as a vegetarian such as saying goodbye to Pizza Hut Meat Lovers and Oriental Chicken Spaghetti. Oh, or Kentucky Fried Chicken, McChicken, Steak! Brockwurst Sausages, Chicken Noodles. Yup. I'm ready to let them go. I just wish that this ideology will be permanent on me. I can do it and I will do it.

And as the last news, I will review this book I have just finished. It's a classic called 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Brontee. Well, who doesn't know this book? It's already 164 years old and one of the most famous and well-rated fiction in history. But I say this book is absotively poselutely the best book I've ever read in my life! If I could, I would change all my fingers into a thumb and raise all of them for this book. I love every words, every sentence, every paragraph and every page so much that I felt extremely sad when the book ended. I cried because of the pure and sincere love emitted by Jane and Mr. Rochester at the end of the story. There's only one problem. Because I couldn't found the english version of the printed novel, I ended up buying the Indonesian version and I think I lost so many beauty because it was translated. You couldn't translate art. When you did, it's just not the same. So I tried to download an ebook of the English version, re-read it and I was even more dazzled. I love Chapter 23. My favourite!

Okay that's it guys. Three In One. Just like our traffic rules. See you soon.
Om shanti shanti shanti om