Saturday, June 11, 2011

Whisper & Faith in House

Whisper by A Fine Frenzy and Faith by George Michael.

You've got to listen to these songs!!

I discovered them while watching my current favorite TV show: House MD. Hugh Laurie is a-mazing! It's been a pandemic in my school for the past week. Thanks to Meva Nareza for introducing it to us! As you know, our high school is divided into four major and I currently majored in Biology. Finding a movie like House is like killing two birds in one shot. We get to watch a movie AND learn something new. Not just biology or meds material, but also humanity and morale value. And some belly-shaker as well :) If you haven't watched it yet, go run to the nearest DVD store and enjoy House's hospitality in your flatscreen.

At first, I find some difficulties to watch this TV shows because it is full with medical terms. But don't worry it will not ruin the story cause eventhough you don't understand it, it doesn't really matter. Also House likes to use metaphors to make things a little bit more 'understandable'. Hey but if you're curious I'm going to list some medical terms that are used frequently in House's series. Enjooyy:

1. EKG: Electrocardiogram; used to monitor heartbeats
2. EEG: Electroencephalogram; used to monitor brain electrical activity. You'll hear terms like alpha waves, theta waves, delta waves etc.
3. CSF: Cerebrospinal Fluid; fluid that surrounds brain your spinal cord
4. LP: Lumbar Puncture; diagnostic test that takes out your CSF from your backbone and examine it
5. PT: Prothrombine Time; time measured for how long does your plasma clots
6. PTT: Partial Thromboplastin Time; time measured for how long does your blood clots
7. CHEM7: A test that measure your blood chemical substances. There are 7 subtstances measured: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Glucose, CO2, Creatinine and BUN
8. BUN: Blood Urea Nitrogen
9. CT, PET, MRI: Scanning devices
10. OR: Operating Room
11. MS: Multiple Sclerosis: a disease where the nerves are demyelinated
12. MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
13. HLA: Human Leukocyte Antigen; it's what they tested if they want to do a bone marrow transplant
14. Intubate: Make airways for people who have respiratory distress
15. B.P: Blood Pressure
16. O2 Sats: Saturation of haaemoglobin with O2
17. Bradycardia: Slow heart rate
18. Tachycardia: Fast heart rate
19. Preeclampsia: Pregnant women with high blood pressure
20. Sarcoidosis: inflammation of lymph nodes and other body tissue
21. Amyloidosis: amyloid protein abnormally deposited inside your body
22. V-fib: Ventricular fibrillation; severe abnormal heart rythm
23. V-tach: Ventricular tachycardia; rapid heartbeat that starts in the ventricle
24: DIC: Disseminated intravascular coagulation; your body throwing clots everywhere
25. CBC: Complete Blood Counts
26. Everything ends with -oma: Cancer
27. Everything ends with -itis: Inflammation
28. Everything ends with -pathy: Anomaly
29. VQ: Ventilation-perfusion scan, measure your airflow and bloodflow
30. Paraneoplastic syndrome: it's a syndrome that occurs if your body got a cancer
31. Anythings IV: Intravenous, liquid
32. IG(A/D/E/M/G): Immunoglobulin, type of antibodies
33. Banana bag: A type of IV fluid with lots of vitamins and dextrose for alcoholic. They called it banana cause it's yellow
34. Dialysis: a machine that takes over your kidney's job when they're failing

That's about it, I think. Well, if you find more, you can always depend on Mr. Google. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue watching Dr. House. I am hoping that one day, I could be a doctor just like him. HOPKINS HERE I COME!!! *music plays*